Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

State Enterprise "Ukrainian State Center
for International Education"



On Friday 23 June 2017, the Forum of Rectors of Ukrainian and Chinese Universities was conducted with the participation of Liliya Hrynevych, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine and Chen Baosheng, the Minister of Education of the People’s Republic of China. The forum included a roundtable led by the Ukrainian State Center for International Education on the topic of “Promotion of Ukrainian Higher Education in China”, with 41 Chinese and more than 25 Ukrainian Higher Education Institution representatives taking part in the roundtable.
Over 20 bilateral agreements were signed between Ukrainian and Chinese Higher Education Institutions. Olena Shapovalova, the director of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education, stated that there are currently 2,082 Chinese citizens studying in Ukraine with most of them choosing courses to do with arts, humanities and engineering. The forum also included 9 Chinese and 10 Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions promoting their educational opportunities.






Today, the director of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education, Olena Shapovalova, led the delegation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute where they met with ambassadors who do not have an embassy in Ukraine.

These ambassador have come on a two day working visit to meet with various universities around Ukraine and to better understand higher education in Ukraine for their current and prospective international students.

Dr. Shapovalova presented the benefits and opportunities of studying in Ukraine including the most popular universities in Ukraine and reasons to study in Ukraine. Dr. Shapovalova also reminded the ambassadors about the newly launched which is the only official Ukrainian Government comprehensive source of information about studying in Ukraine.

The ambassadors were also given a tour of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.



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Today, the director of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education, Olena Shapovalova, accompanied the delegation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine led by the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Volodymyr Kovtunets, to the international forum for graduates of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions hosted by the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture.

This event is very significant as it shows that the relationship between Ukraine and the international students who received their higher education in Ukraine is strong and that they received a quality education. The graduates spoke about the need for Ukrainian cultural centers abroad to maintain ties with Ukraine and to promote Ukraine as a study destination of choice to prospective students.

Our website has an ‘Alumni’ section where you can sign up as a graduate of a Ukrainian Higher Education Institution and where you can share your own story of studying in Ukraine. In gathering these testimonials, we put them up on our website as they help show what a great place Ukraine is for studying.

We are thankful that you have not forgotten the great time you spent in Ukraine! Ukraine will not forget you either!






During the week of Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June, the director of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education joined the delegation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine headed by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine – Roman Hreba, visiting the western regions of Ukraine. Also present were Olena Kostenko – head of the department of government assets and enterprises of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Vadym Stetsenko – head of the Committee on Physical Education and Sport at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and Oksana Belik – director of “Inforesurs”.


Workshops and discussions on higher education were held at the following universities: Bukovinian State Medical University, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ternopil National Economic University, Ivan Franko Lviv National University and Uzhhorod National University.


In particular, they discussed problems relating to effective mechanisms in resolving problems with prospective international students, property management, attracting public investors and partners, promotion of student sport, updating of the Government Higher Education Institution Student Database, and the internationalization of higher education in Ukraine.


The director of the Ukrainian State Center for International Education Olena Shapovalova spoke on the topic of “Internationalization of Higher Education and International Students in Ukraine”. This included talking about training international students in Ukraine, the admission process for studying in Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions, and the work of the Center.









Today, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine met with a delegation from the Medical and Dental Council of Ghana. The Ukrainian delegation was led by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine – Roman Hreba.

He outlined the importance of students from Africa and in particular Ghana studying in Ukraine and how they can attain a high quality education. He also touched on the reforms in the higher education system which will mean better education for all students in Ukraine. Finally, he described the importance of the new website which is the official Ukrainian Government source of information on Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions.

There are currently 1315 students from Ghana studying in Ukraine, with 940 of them studying in the field of medicine.





For many years, Ukraine has been one of the most popular destinations to study for Palestinian students. Many famous Palestinian scientists received their higher education in Ukraine (for instance, the Health Minister of the State of Palestine Dr. Jawad Awad studied in Ukrainian university) and that’s why strong Ukrainian academic practices are highly appreciated and respected.

Up from 374 students in 2014, there are currently 540 Palestinian students studying in Ukrainian universities.

The top 5 specialities are:

• Medicine
• Philology
• Management
• Finance
• Law

Palestinian students love Ukraine for its high quality of education, tolerant and friendly people, beautiful nature and true European atmosphere!



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Yesterday, for the first time in many years, there was a joint conference between the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine with representatives of all medical Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine.

The Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Liliya Hrynevych, and the acting Minister of Health of Ukraine, Ulana Suprun, both gave speeches and discussed the following topics:

the possibility of international students participating in internships;
recognition of medical diplomas;
the formation and functions of university medical clinics; and
cooperation with university recruitment agents.

With regards to prospective international students gaining entry to study in Ukraine, the Minister of Education and Science, Liliya Hrynevych, outlined that students can apply online through the Ukrainian State Centre for International Education.

This will ensure an accessible and transparent process of choosing students. All the necessary resources are available since last year on




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Щорічна міжнародна конференція «Актуальні питання навчання іноземців в Україні у 2017-2018 навчальному році» відбулася 24-25 квітня у Києві. Її було організовано “Українським державним центром міжнародної освіти” Міністерства освіти і науки України.


У цьому представницькому заході взяли участь Міністр освіти і науки України Лілія Гриневич, Заступник Міністра освіти і науки України Роман Греба, Державний секретар Міністерства закордонних справ України Андрій Заяць, Голова державної інспекції навчальних закладів Руслан Гурак, Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол Республіки Індія в Україні Бхарті Манодж Кумар, Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол Туркменістану в Україні Нурберди Аманмурадов, Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол Палестини в Україні Мохаммед Аль-Асаад, Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол Республіки Казахстан в Україні Самат Ордабаєв , інші представники органів влади, дипломатичного корпусу, громадських організацій.


“Якість навчання іноземних громадян в Україні – це питання не тільки здобуття освіти, а перш за все – успішність міжнародної інтеграції  нашої держави у сфері культурно-гуманітарного співробітництва, її авторитету на міжнародному ринку освітніх послуг”, – наголосила у своєму виступі Міністр освіти Лілія Гриневич.


Загалом, конференція передбачала різні формати участі: пленарні засідання, круглі  столи, презентації, В2В-meetings та майстер-класи. Було обговорено актуальне коло питань щодо навчання іноземних громадян, зокрема процедуру набору та прийому на навчання, якість освіти, визнання дипломів українських вишів, формування привабливого бренду української вищої освіти закордоном тощо.


Також було презентовано статистичні дані “Іноземні студенти в Україні – 2017”. Як повідомила директор ДП “Український державний центр міжнародної освіти” Олена Шаповалова, на сьогоднішній день в Україні навчається 64066 іноземних громадян зі 147 країн світу. Серед лідерів за представництвом такі країни як Азербайджан, Індія, Туркменістан, Марокко, Грузія, Нігерія, Йорданія, Узбекистан, Китай, Єгипет. Для навчання в Україні іноземні громадяни переважно обирають медичні, а також правознавчі, інженерні та інші спеціальності.


За минулий рік команді “Українського державного центру міжнародної освіти” вдалося активізувати та оновити його роботу, результатом чого стало збільшення числа іноземців, які хочуть приїхати до України на навчання. Було створено портал, який спеціально розроблено для іноземних абітурієнтів. На ньому можна ознайомитись з інформацією про навчальні програми та подати онлайн заявку на вступ до будь-якого вищого навчального закладу України. У соціальній мережі Facebook функціонує офіційна група Українського державного центру міжнародної освіти , де співробітники Центру регулярно надають консультації та відповідають на питання абітурієнтів.







































Програма міжнародної конференції
Зверніть увагу, що декілька секцій та презентацій проходять одночасно!
До зустрічі!




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This year on 24-25 April in Kyiv we will be hosting the annual international conference “Current issues educating international students in Ukraine in the 2017-2018 university year”.

This event is organized by the Ukrainian State Center for International Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The conference will contain a plenary session, roundtable discussions, B2B meetings and masterclasses.

Conference languages are Ukrainian and English.

It will be located in the main building of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska Street, 60, Kyiv.

The application form can be found here:


Give us a call on 044-359-05-39, or email us at if you have any further questions.